Yes, this is a blog post about spring break. Honestly, I wasn’t going to write about anything I’ve been doing, but then I saw all of my blogging friends posting about their breaks and I got a little jealous. (Silly, right? I thought so too.) Nevertheless, here I am. (Ta-da!)
Usually, when I post something here, it’s about something that I’ve been thinking about or wrestling with and pertains to mental/emotional/spiritual growth. Today, I just need to write so bear with me and I’m sure something profound will come up. (No seriously, it just might happen.)
So far, my spring break has consisted of two things: reading and practicing. Yes.

Ah! Here’s the profound truth. Neither of these things are what I naturally want to do. I find them both rather tedious actually—at least in my current context. However, I’m reminded of a lesson that I learned a while ago about being faithful in the little things. As a writer/thinker, it’s needful for me to be filled and inspired by other writers/thinkers. As a musician, it’s very much needful for me to practice and rehearse scales, techniques, and compositions.
I’m sure many of you have heard the idea that if you are faithful in the little things that you will be entrusted with big things later. I heard it as a child and it sounds kind of silly stated in the abstract, but it’s so true. You have to keep the end result in mind. What do you want to do? Where do you want to eventually be? How are you working toward those goals?
A goal doesn’t have to be some hugely specific entity. It can be general—that’s ok. As you progress toward it, it will become more specific and refined. This is the process of life and it’s ok: take your time.
I’m not where I want to be. I know I want to be someone who is so filled with wisdom and encouragement that it naturally flows out of me to others in speaking, blogging, and poetry. I know I want to be a musician who exposes people to grace and the eternal qualities of God through high-quality musicianship. Both of these things mean that I will have to spend loads of time investing into activities that will equip me to live this way.
As a junior, soon to be senior, in university, I easily lose sight of these goals as I go about the daily grind. Spring break has been a chance to step back and refocus, reenergize, and rededicate myself to the dreams I’ve entertained for so long. I’ve found that my passion is not dead, my God is still faithful, and life is not my enemy.