

Supplant the plant of bitterness,
Secured in all its stubbornness,
The rally cry: “Uproot! Uproot!”
Incinerate the bitter fruit.

This mighty root we now assail,
Against the dust we will prevail,
The battle cry: “Return! Return!”
Drink water from your own cistern.

Direct your introspective gaze,
Reflect upon your numbered days,
The primal cry: “Renew! Renew!”
No longer do I bow to you!

Let now the victory unfold,
We all, as jars of clay, do hold
The Spirit cry: “Fulfill! Fulfill!”
Be present with us ever still!

© 2012 David Andrew


Big tree by the stairs

So, yesterday I received a letter. It was a certificate of victory. Wanna see it?

My Certificate of Victory

Wanna know what it says? “Thank you for expressing interest in chapel worship at William Jessup University. Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer an opportunity for regular participation in an ’11-’12 worship team. We do, however, encourage you to continue to develop your gifts and will keep you in mind for future opportunities.”

When I first got this, I was sad. So, just like Hezekiah did with the letter from the king of Assyria, I spread this before the LORD in prayer. You know what He told me? Stop thinking about it. Yes, this is a certificate of victory because it has nothing to do with the fact that I won’t be on a worship team at school (you may remember me mentioning the audition process in an earlier post). It was a miracle that I had made it to the point where I could audition for this position without the slightest trace of bitterness in my heart from previous attempts at church. For me, I really don’t care that they said no. I care that they acknowledged my attempt! I think I might frame this. What Satan meant to instill rejection, ridicule, and evil; God used to demonstrate victory, growth, and goodness! I couldn’t have done this a year ago—God is so good!

In parting, here’s a little something I hope you will enjoy. I took four separate photos and stitched them together! 🙂

Big tree by the stairs
When I looked up and saw this, I said, "Wow!"

You might like to check out this zoom-able interactive version of the photo too. 😉