New Book and Blog Series

So today I want to officially announce the print release of volume number two of my poetry! You can now order “Snapshots: Of the Coming Glory” as a print on demand book immediately through CreateSpace and Amazon!

Snapshots: Of the Coming Glory

I also want to announce a blog series I will be launching soon! God has been laying the subject of prayer heavily on my heart lately; and I have been inspired to run a series of guest blog posts about prayer. We’ll be talking about many different aspects of prayer ranging from the experience of it to abiding in it (and abiding in Jesus) to seeking out the fullness of God through it. The purpose of having guest writers is to encourage you that there are many, many saints traveling along the journey of faith and each one has a unique perspective on prayer as God has and continues to reveal different aspects of Himself to His children at different times and in different ways. I pray that you are blessed through this coming series. Until next time, be watchful for His coming, and may you be blessed by God’s presence until His physical return!


Lately, I have felt God pressing on my heart to stop asking Him for stuff. It all falls in line with my last two posts actually. I’ve been feeling challenged to pray only in thankfulness and adoration of Who God is and of His qualities as revealed in Scripture and my daily life. For the course of this next school year, when I go to pray, I will only thank God for Who He is and proclaim His character over my circumstances. At the very least, this will take my eyes off of my circumstances and put them back on the One Who ordains them and presides over them. Blessed be the Name of the LORD.

God is love. (1 John 4:8)

God is holy. (Leviticus 11:44; 1 Peter 1:16)

God is spirit. (John 4:24)

God is a consuming fire. (Deuteronomy 4:24; Hebrews 12:29)

Here I begin; LORD, here am I.

Hineni: "Here am I Lord" by Sandi Padilla. Used with permission.

Visit Sandi Padilla’s Facebook page to learn more about her painting.


This summer has been new: new house, new opportunities, new challenges. Most importantly (IMHO), I’ve come to experience a new season in my relationship with God. I’ve become aware of communing.

Through all of the transitions this summer related to moving and all of the uncertainties about going back to school, I’ve come to a place where I find myself wanting to do nothing except be still and know that He is God. (Ps. 46:10) There is turmoil in my life: waves of doubt and mountains of impossibility. I know that if I had faith as small as a mustard seed, I could tell the mountain to be cast up and thrown into the sea, but in my overwhelmed state of human frailty, I find myself lacking even that small seed. All I can do is quiet my soul like a weaned child (Ps. 131) and press my ear to the threshold of heaven and listen for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.

When I take time to commune with Him, do you know what He tells me? He tells me that He loves me, and that He has a plan for me. He tells me that His grip around me is so tight that nothing can steal me out of His hand. I believe that He wants to speak the same kinds of things into your life as well. You just have to stop and acknowledge Him. Quiet your soul, empty out your anxious thoughts, and speak softly to the Spirit of the Living God. As a believer, He lives in you, and He is there to comfort you.